Let’s be clear. Again.
1. The virus does not spread. You spread it. Stay at home.
2. Hospitals are not the solution. They are the war zone. Only you can defeat this disease. Stay at home.
3. This is not flu. There is no cure. Stay at home.
4. People are dying. Stay at home.— Joanna Killian (@SurreyChiefExec) March 22, 2020
The Power of Social Distancing — this is why it's so important!!!! #COVID19 #Covid_19 #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/Fzy4HOuyln
— PharmaFactz (@PharmaFactz) March 18, 2020
Dette er folkehelseinstituttet (FHI) sitt flytskjema for håndtering av Korona. pic.twitter.com/cllaHrZim8
— Skogro (@Skogro10056) March 12, 2020
Coronavirus outbreak labelled as pandemic by World Health Organization https://t.co/SsaIayPlaZ
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) March 11, 2020
.@TigerWoods previews his fifth Champions Dinner menu.
"Born and raised in Southern California, and with it playing a part of my entire childhood, we'll be having steak and chicken fajitas, plus sushi and sashimi out on the deck. We're still debating milkshakes." pic.twitter.com/7KAIwAfcYP
— The Masters (@TheMasters) February 25, 2020